Climate Change Plan

In Spring 2021, Council approved the Corporate Climate Adaptation Plan (CCAP) and passed a motion to declare a climate crisis in Lincoln. Council recognizes the urgent need to take action to mitigate the effects of climate change and to deepen the Town’s commitment to protecting Lincoln’s economy, ecosystems, and community from climate change. The CCAP includes 47 actions that the municipality will undertake to adapt to climate change. These actions contribute to eight high-level goals that the Town will strive. 

The purpose of the Corporate Climate Adaptation Plan (CCAP) is to prepare the Town of Lincoln to adapt to anticipated climatic change and extreme weather, thereby minimizing the severity of the resulting impacts. These actions contribute to the following eight high-level Goals that the Town will strive towards as it implements the CCAP:

Goal 1: Integrate climate change considerations into Town strategies, plans, policies, procedures, operations, & services

Goal 2: Increase resiliency & adaptive capacity within economic development, community services, parks, & recreation

Goal 3: Protect natural resources, promote ecosystem services, & minimize environmental degradation

Goal 4: Mitigate harmful consequences of extreme weather & emergency events

Goal 5: Minimize health & safety risks to community members and staff

Goal 6: Foster Lake Ontario shoreline resilience through planning, management & protection

Goal 7: Consider climate change impacts in built infrastructure & asset management

Goal 8: Increase climate change literacy among staff & public

The CCAP is intended to be a living document and will be updated annually to reflect implementation progress, new opportunities, and scientific advancements.

Climate Change Adaptation Planning in Lincoln  

In February 2019, Lincoln was granted $125,000 in funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’, Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program, funded by the Government of Canada.   

Lincoln's Climate Change Coordinator, hired through the funding, is dedicated to activities supporting the research and development of a climate adaptation plan. The plan will look at all Town-owned infrastructure (e.g., sewers, watermain, storm systems, roads, buildings and facilities) as well as shoreline protection. 

Over the next two years, there will be opportunity for stakeholders and residents to play a role in the development of the Town's plan.  

Read more about Climate Change and Environmental initiatives in Lincoln