Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) & accompanying Active Transportation Plan was adopted by Council in September 2019.  

The TMP is a long-range transportation plan to help plan for people moving, goods moving and to connect you to where you need to go.  It will be used as a blueprint and guide for future decision making, planning, design, operations and maintenance of the Town’s transportation network until the year 2031 and beyond. 

The TMP outlines a vision and approach to help achieve the Town’s objectives for a connected, continuous, safe, efficient and enjoyable transportation network that addresses future growth and helps to enhance quality of life for residents. 

  View the plan: 

Transportation Master Plan - with appendices (PDF)  

Active Transportation Strategy (PDF) 

  There are four (4) key transportation areas addressed as part of the TMP are: 

  1. Roads 
  2. Walking and cycling 
  3. Goods movement 
  4. Transit 

The technical elements of the TMP include: 

  • Predicted network growth and travel demands including known development impacts (Prudhomme's, future intensification areas, etc.) 
  • Go Hub Study integration (i.e. the future vision for the Ontario Street and Greenlane corridors) 
  • Future traffic flow management strategies (i.e. collector road rationalization) 
  • Town and Regional corridor and intersection assessments (i.e. signals) 
  • Truck traffic management plan and escarpment crossing strategies 
  • Active Transportation Master Plan (pedestrian, cycling and trail networks) 
  • Transit opportunities 
  • “Complete Streets” policy development 
  • Traffic Calming policy development 
  • On-Street parking policy and by-law evaluations 

Public Engagement Activities included: 

  • Lincoln TMP launch - Sept. 30, 2017 
  • Public Open House - March 27 & 28, 2018 
  • Lincoln TMP Skate & Chat - March 17 & 23, 2019 
  • Two online surveys 
  • Online Engagement Tool - MetroQuest