Lincoln from escarpment panorama

Land Acknowledgement

The Town of Lincoln is committed to advancing Truth and Reconciliation in relationship with Indigenous peoples and communities. In the spirit of embracing the principles of Truth and Reconciliation outlined in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s final report, the following land acknowledgment statement:

  • Recognizes the First Nations whose traditional territories we live, work, and play on
  • Honours Indigenous histories, cultures, knowledge, lands, and treaties
  • Offers gratitude for Indigenous peoples, both in the past and the present, and their contributions to our communities
  • Acknowledges that settlers’ presence on the land is part of a colonial history that has caused significant harm to Indigenous peoples and communities
  • Reflects on our relationship and responsibility to the land and each other

Land Acknowledgment Statement

The Town of Lincoln, being part of Niagara Region, is situated on treaty land. These lands are steeped in the rich history of the First Nations such as the Hatiwendaronk, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. Intended to guide the relationship between the First Nations and Europeans, the Two Row Wampum is an important symbol of everlasting equality, peace, and friendship. It remains the foundation upon which Canada was built, and we recognize that this mutually respectful relationship between nations is essential for reconciliation today.

There are many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people from across Turtle Island that live and work in Niagara today. The Town of Lincoln stands with all Indigenous people, past and present, in promoting the wise stewardship of the lands on which we live. We recognize that we must do more to learn about the history and current situation of Indigenous people. This will help us better understand our roles and take responsibility towards reconciliation as treaty people, residents, and caretakers.

Indigenous History and Commitment to Reconciliation