Animal Services

Animal Services in Lincoln - Niagara SPCA 

The Niagara SPCA and Humane Society provides animal control services to the Town of Lincoln.  

Niagara SPCA Animal Services direct line: 905-735-1552 ext. 3 

When should you call? 

  • You want to file an animal by-law complaint 
  • You see a sick or injured animal 
  • You see a stray dog 
  • You found a stray cat 
  • Livestock has escaped 

If you're not sure, call anyway. Niagara SPCA and Humane Society will try and help you direct your inquiry accordingly.  

Additional information: 

  • Animal control officers will pick up stray domestic animals during limited hours. Healthy cats need to be confined for pickup. 
  • SPCA shelter in Welland also provides adoption and rehoming, as well as humane euthanasia services.  

Animal Care and Control By-law