The Town of Lincoln has adopted By-law No. 2024-61 to license, regulate and inspect Short Term Accommodations (STA) and Bed & Breakfast Establishments (B&B). The purpose of the by-law is to protect the health and safety of residents and guests, minimize potential impacts to surrounding properties and neighbourhoods, and to protect the residential character and stability of residential areas within the Town. View the Notice of Passing.
As per the approved By-law, an STA is defined to mean “all or any portion of a dwelling unit or an accessory structure used or intended to be used to provide temporary accommodation to members of the travelling public for a maximum of 28 consecutive days. A Short-Term Accommodation shall include Residential Short Term Accommodations, Commercial Vacation Dwelling Units and Rural Tourist Accommodations, but shall not include a bed and breakfast establishment, hotel/motel, boarding house dwelling or similar commercial or institutional use”.
As per the approved By-law, a B&B is defined to mean “a single detached dwelling which is owned by and constitutes the principal residence of the proprietor, and which provides sleeping accommodation for the traveling public, and may include the provision of breakfast, but shall not include a hotel/motel, Short Term Accommodation, Residential Short Term Accommodation, Commercial Vacation Dwelling Unit, or Rural Tourist Accommodation”.