The Town of Lincoln is committed to building a strong, vibrant community by ensuring sustainable growth that serves the long-term interest of our economy, businesses, environment, and our citizens.
A key to creating that prosperous future is the Town of Lincoln’s Economic Development Strategy & Action Plan 2019-2023, which identified tourism as one of the four key pillars that will drive Lincoln’s economic future.
The magnificent Niagara Escarpment, picturesque Lake Ontario shoreline, and flourishing craft beverage industry present a significant opportunity for the Town of Lincoln to stimulate economic growth through a robust tourism strategy.
This five-year tourism action plan will protect and promote Lincoln’s assets, support economic development and help make the Town of Lincoln a place to grow and a place to prosper. It lays the groundwork for making Lincoln a leading tourist destination in Ontario.
For more information of tourism opportunities in Lincoln contact
Developing Lincoln’s Tourism Brand and Destination Identity
Learn more about the development and implementation of the Town of Lincoln's new destination brand identity - The Niagara Benchlands
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Place-Making + Place Marketing = Place Branding
Place branding helps to shape a community and increase its economic opportunities for residents and businesses of all sizes. A strong place brand can help create competitive commercial advantages, communicating why people should visit, open a business in a specific town/city, or invest their money there. The new Niagara Benchlands destination identity provides a strong place brand for the Town and allows Lincoln to showcase its key competitive advantages (craft beverage, value-added agriculture, wide-open spaces, welcoming communities) and celebrate these differences as a point of distinction from fellow destination competitors.
The Niagara Benchlands place brand will act as a strategic guidance system, as the Town looks to:
- Create and build an identity for Lincoln that stands out from other competitive destinations, and communicate its benefits and strengths to potential investors, visitors or residents.
- Attract skilled labour, lucrative investment, and visitors
- Make decisions around city planning, capital attraction/retention, infrastructure investment, and public policy creation/reform.
- Create a unified voice and vision for the Lincoln-centered destination that focuses on the strengths of our diverse tourism sector
- Bring the Town of Lincoln to life, by seeking inspiration from our unique culture, cuisine, technology, architecture, heritage, art, and future vision.
When it comes to creating a tourism identity for the Town of Lincoln, it’s about revealing who we are, who we want to become, and celebrating what makes us different. When we activate this Niagara Benchlands message in unison, the Town of Lincoln will resonate as an attractive place for people to visit, live, work and prosper.