Funding Infrastructure in Lincoln
The Town of Lincoln makes continued investments in infrastructure to support growth areas and ensure services continue to be delivered to mature neighbourhoods.
Priorities for infrastructure investments are identified through the annual municipal budget process. The Town of Lincoln’s budget – like those of other municipalities in Ontario – addresses Council Priorities, operations, services, infrastructure, and asset management. It includes the Operating Budget and Capital Budget.
An important source of funding for infrastructure projects is development charges. These are fees charged to developers by the municipality for the recovery of growth costs.
Most infrastructure projects are funded through Capital or Operating budgets under one of two categories:
- Transportation; or
- Environment & Safety.

Pedestrian Bridges
The Town of Lincoln’s bridge and culvert assets are maintained in a safe state of repair to protect and prolong the useful life of the structures and identify any maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation needs.
The most recent bridge inspections conducted in April 2024 identified that the two pedestrian bridges located off Tamarac Avenue and West Avenue (spanning Konkle Creek), have reached the end of their useful life. Both bridges were noted as being in poor condition, and the engineer recommended both for replacement.
These two bridges serve as vital active transportation links for residents in Beamsville, facilitating essential connections to homes, employment services and recreational activities. Recent pedestrian counts conducted on both bridges indicate significant daily usage, highlighting their importance to the community.