The Town is committed to providing safe passage for residents, visitors and businesses and ensuring roadways are passable for emergency response vehicles.
The health and safety of our community is of utmost importance – Keep it Clear is a proactive approach to community safety during the winter season.
- The Town will declare a Keep It Clear event when snow accumulations are predicted. Parking on #LincolnON streets is prohibited during this time.
- Vehicles on the road cause a major obstruction and hazard to Operation Crews who are working around the clock to clear the roads. In addition, it creates access concerns for emergency services vehicles.
- The Town will aim to notify residents of a Keep it Clear event by the end of business day prior. At times, less notice may be given when weather patterns change, and more snow accumulates than originally forecast.
- Notification will be provided on when Keep It Clear events are declared and when they are ended via, the Town of Lincoln’s social media channels and e-newsletter. Local media will also be alerted to ensure widespread awareness.
- During a snow event, Parking will be prohibited for up to 72 hours on any municipal street where parking is normally permitted. Any vehicle that is found to be parked on the municipal streets during a snow event which has or may impede the snow clearing operations, will be subject to parking enforcement with a set fine of $75.00 and the vehicle may be subject to towing.
- Town staff attempt to have all roads cleared within 72 hours.
For comments or concerns:
Winter operations: Call 905-563-2799 ext. 234 or send us an email. Please note that during a storm we are busy responding to & clearing snow. Please leave a message and we'll call you back after the storm.
If you wish to make a complaint about a vehicle(s) parking on the street during a snow storm, please complete our Online Complain Form.