Policies are a foundation of good governance and the Town of Lincoln is committed to promoting awareness, transparency, and accountability.
This page serves as a convenient reference for Council, staff and the public for corporate policies. Updates are ongoing and occur when a policy is adopted, amended or rescinded.*
Find a policy by choosing a category below. If you require a policy that does not appear on this page, please contact the Legislative Services and Clerks Department at clerks@lincoln.ca
Policy Name Policy Description Administration of Policies and Procedures The purpose of this policy is to formalize and define a transparent process for the creation, management, retention and review of the Town’s policies and procedures. Flag Protocol Policy The purpose of this policy is to outline the requirements that support the flying of Flags at Town Facilities, including the lowering of flags to half-mast as a sign of mourning as well as providing a community flagpole to celebrate opportunities that represent strength in diversity and inclusivity and enhancing awareness of community events. Museum Finance and Administration Policy The purpose of this policy is to outline the governance and financial management of the Lincoln Museum and Cultural Centre and its relationship to its publicly accountable body, the Town of Lincoln. Museum Interpretation and Education Policy The purpose of this policy is to outline how the Lincoln Museum and Cultural Centre will execute its interpretation and education responsibilities to best serve the community, as defined by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport in the Standards for Community Museums in Ontario. Conflict of Interest under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law Policy The purpose of this policy is to establish conflict of interest guidelines to ensure that the Administrative Monetary Penalty System ("AMPS") program responsibilities are conducted in accordance with fundamental principles of justice, which include judicial and prosecutorial independence, fairness, impartiality, competence, and integrity. This policy will provide guidelines as to what constitutes a conflict of interest in relation to the AMPS program, to prevent such conflicts of interest and to redress such conflicts should they occur. Extension of Time to Request a Screening Review or Hearing Review under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure a consistent approach when responding to requests made by individuals who seek an extension of time to request a review of a Penalty Notice by a Screening Officer or a Screen Decision by a Hearing Officer. Public Complaints regarding the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law Policy The purpose of this policy is to address public complaints relating to the administration of the Administrative Monetary Penalty System ("AMPS") program. Public Notice Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide notice to the public when required by the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. c. 25, as amended. Policy Name Policy Description Reserves and Reserve Funds Policy The purpose of this policy is to establish consistent principles, standards and guidelines for the maintenance, management and accounting of reserves and reserve funds for the Town of Lincoln. Development Charges Interest Rate Policy The purpose of this policy is to establish the conditions, duration, terms, and other requirements on when and how the Town determines the total amount of a development charge, the instalment methodology for eligible development types and the applicable interest rates as outlined in the Development Charges Act, 1997 (DCA). Community Grant Policy The purpose of this policy is to assist the Town of Lincoln in continuing to raise the quality of life afforded to its residents by supporting community organizations who contribute to building an engaged, inclusive, and vibrant community. By assisting community organizations in meeting their program mandates as well as the objectives of Council to support the greatest needs in our community, the policy ensures that municipal funds are disbursed in meaningful, equitable and measurable ways. Financial Hardships under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System Policy The purpose of this policy is to a consistent approach when responding to requests made by persons with a Penalty Notice for relief from paying all, or part of a Penalty Notice, including any Administrative Fees, if the Person can demonstrate they would suffer financial hardship if required to pay the penalty required under the Administrative Monetary Penalty Systems (AMPS), including parking. Financial Management and Reporting under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the financial management and reporting responsibilities related to the Administrative Monetary Penalty Systems (AMPS) conform to the current corporate policies and procedures for financial management and reporting. Development Charges Alternative Payment Arrangements Policy The purpose of this policy is to assist applicants to proceed with their proposed development and establishes guidelines relating to applications, administration, approval and issuance of Development Charge late payment agreements. Policy Name Policy Description Voting Procedures and the Use of Voting Tabulators and Internet Voting Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure an accountable and transparent election process during a municipal election. Accessible Election Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure candidates and electors with disabilities have full and equal access to all election information and services, including full access to Voting locations, and are able to independently and privately mark their ballot and have access to alternative voting methods, if voting assistance is required. Records Retention Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure that record classification and appropriate disposition, as outlined in the Council-approved retention schedule (The Ontario Municipal Records Management System) applies to all records created, received, and maintained by Town of Lincoln employees during their corporate duties regardless of the medium or format. Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination Policy The purpose of this policy is to define a process for the routine disclosure and active dissemination of records in the custody and control of the Town. Active dissemination establishes a process for Town Staff to automatically post or publish records in the public domain, typically on the Town’s website. While most records are intended to be provided through active dissemination, others may be available through the policy, which empowers Town staff to provide copies of certain records in response to requests from the public without requiring a formal Freedom of Information (“FOI”) request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S. O. 1990, c. M.56, as amended. Prevention of Political Interference under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law Policy The purpose of this policy is to prevent political interference of any kind pertaining to the administration of the Administrative Monetary Penalty System program and to minimize opportunities for political interference, whether that is intention or unintentional. Accountability and Transparency Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on how the Town of Lincoln ensures municipal matters are approached in an accountable and transparent manner. Committee Policy The purpose of this policy is to define the process for the creation, amendment, dissolution, and administration for how committees are governed. Policy Name Policy Description Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy The purpose of this policy is to foster an environment that respects people's dignity, ideas, and beliefs. Establishing this policy can facilitate diverse perspectives and dialogues, ensuring that all employees feel welcomed and included. Health and Safety Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide key goals and objectives and guide decision making for health and safety at the Town of Lincoln. Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Policy The purpose of this policy is to establish a program related to the prevention of workplace violence or any type of harassment and ensure complaints of workplace violence or harassment are handled in a timely and consistent manner. Workplace Harassment Prevention Program The purpose of this program is to define a process for reporting and investigating workplace harassment. Right to Disconnect Policy The purpose of this policy is to outline an employee's right to disconnect outside of business hours. This policy also recognizes the employee's right to choose how to allocate their personal resources (i.e., leisure time, etc.). Joint Health and Safety Committee Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to guide the Town of Lincoln's Joint Health and Safety Committee. Health and Safety Policy Statement The purpose of this policy is to provide a formal statement related to Health and Safety and to outline key goals and objectives for health and safety at the Town of Lincoln. Hiring Policy The purpose of this policy is to set a consistent and equitable standard for the recruitment and selection of employees at the Town of Lincoln, helping to create a diverse and qualified talent pool to support the Town's current and future business needs. Effective recruitment, selection, and promotion practices optimize the efficiency of human resources and maximize the number of promotion and career development opportunities for existing employees. Policy Name Policy Description Tow Authority Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure the process for determining the necessity to lawfully tow vehicles and to provide a consistent application of tow authority within the Parking By-law 89-2000. Ice Allocation Policy The purpose of this policy is to establish and clarify the Town of Lincoln's responsibility for ice allocation and administration. Tree Protection and Enhancement Policy The purpose of this policy is to protect and enhance the tree canopy through planning, regulation, education, and enforcement. This policy specifically applies to trees on lands subject to a planning application as well as trees on municipal property. Collections Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide the framework for collections management guidelines and procedures. This policy will be used to guide decisions concerning the selection, acquisition, care, use, documentation, and disposal of museum collections, taking into consideration long-term implications as well as immediate logistical issues. Exhibitions Policy The purpose of this policy is to establish standards from which Museum staff must follow in curating exhibits for the public, and ensures the safety of visitors and staff, the integrity of exhibit content, and trust of the public. Supplemental Water Service Connection Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide additional technical criteria for water service connections to properties located outside the urban area. The buildings to be serviced in these cases shall be located in accordance with the criteria identified in this policy. Supplemental Sanitary Sewer Connection Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide additional technical criteria for sanitary sewer connections to properties located outside the urban area. The buildings to be serviced in these cases shall be located in accordance with the criteria identified in this policy.
*Policies are subject to amendment. Should a discrepancy occur between a policy and the version posted online, please contact please contact the Legislative Services and Clerks Department at clerks@lincoln.ca for the official policy.