Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!
The Clerks Department at the Town of Lincoln issues marriage licences and performs civil ceremonies and vow renewals. For more information, please reference below.
A marriage licence is needed before being married in the Province of Ontario. It is valid anywhere in Ontario for 90 days from the date of issuance.
Marriage licences are issued by appointment only, generally on Wednesdays and Thursdays, at the Town of Lincoln, 4800 South Service Road, Beamsville. No walk-ins are accepted.
The appointment is for the marriage licence only. You must arrange for a separate marriage ceremony to get married. If you are interested in a civil ceremony at Town Hall, please scroll down for more information.
There are no gender, residency, citizenship, or medical requirements when applying for a marriage licence.
Anyone over the age of 16 years old can get married in Ontario. Parties under 18 years of age need consent from their parents or legal guardians. In these cases, parents or legal guardians must also be present during the marriage licence appointment. Please get in touch with the Clerks Department for more information about this process.
The marriage licence fee is $138.00. We accept cash, debit, and credit card. This fee is non-refundable. All credit card payments are subject to a 3% third party convenience fee.
Before Booking
- Print, complete, sign, and email the marriage licence application form (PDF)
- Submit via email two (2) pieces of valid identification for each partner for review (see below for a list of accepted identification)
- If one or both parties have been previously divorced, subsequent information must be submitted. (See below for information about previous divorce)
- Book an appointment with the Clerks Department by email or call 905-563-2799 ext. 513. Appointments are subject to availability during regular business hours.
The first piece of identification must be any of the following:
- Government-issued birth certificate, including any change of name certificates
- Valid passport
- Record of immigrant landing
- Canadian citizenship card
The second piece of identification must be in the form of government-issued photo identification, including:
- Valid driver's license
- Valid Ontario Photo Card
Please note: Health cards and S.I.N. cards will not be accepted.
Please Note
- Either partner can submit the marriage application form in person at the time of the appointment. Still, the form must include original signatures from both parties and be presented with two pieces of original valid identification for each person.
- Documents in another language must be supported by a certified translation and must be original. Photocopies or expired documents will not be accepted.
- Identification must be valid (not expired) and original. Photocopies, scanned images, or pictures on electronic devices will not be accepted at the in-person appointment.
- Your first and last name must match the two pieces of ID presented.
- The address stated on the application form must match the address on the identification submitted.
- A Refugee Protection Claimant Document will be accepted.
Divorce in Canada
You must submit official divorce proof when applying for a marriage licence. This can be the original or a court-certified copy of a:
- Certificate of Divorce (Form 36B); or,
- Final Decree
All original documents will be returned. A certified copy of the above divorce documents may be obtained from the court office that granted the divorce.
If you do not know where your divorce was granted, you can contact the Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings or 1-613-957-4519.
Divorce Outside of Canada (Foreign Divorce)
If you were divorced outside of Canada, you would need to obtain a Foreign Divorce Authorization from the Office of the Registrar General. This office can be reached at 1-800-461-2156 (toll-free) for more information.
Once you have received your Foreign Divorce Authorization from the Office of the Registrar General, you can make an appointment for a marriage licence. If you arrive at your appointment without a Foreign Divorce Authorization, your marriage licence cannot be issued.
Marriage Certificates
The Office of the Registrar General issues Marriage Certificates for the Province of Ontario. You can order a marriage certificate through Service Ontario approximately 8-12 weeks from the date your marriage ceremony took place.
For further questions or clarifications, please email or call 905-563-2799 ext. 513 and a member of the Clerks Department will be happy to assist you.
The Town of Lincoln is pleased to offer civil marriage ceremonies to couples looking to have a simple, non-religious marriage ceremony. The service lasts approximately 20 minutes.
Civil marriage ceremonies are conducted by the Town Clerk and are by appointment only, based on availability during business hours. Ceremonies are offered in Council Chambers at Town Hall (4800 South Service Road, Beamsville, ON, L3J 1L3).
What You Need to Book a Civil Ceremony
Couples interested in booking a civil marriage ceremony must submit the following via email:
- A completed Civil Marriage Ceremony Consultation Form
- A valid marriage licence
- One piece of current, valid photo identification for each person
- Availability for a 20-minute phone consultation with the Town Clerk
- Availability for the ceremony
Payment of $344.00 for booking by cash, debit, credit, or certified cheque is payable on the day of the ceremony. The fee includes applicable taxes and is subject to change without notice. All credit card payments are subject to a 3% third party convenience fee.
Offisite Civil Ceremony
Fee for Civil Solemnization of Marriage, Marriage Witness, and Renewal of Marriage Vows at offsite location are subject to a $115.00 per hour surcharge and applicable Town mileage rates.
Choice of Vows
Written copies of personal vows will be provided at the mandatory consultation meeting with the Clerk. Couples may use the choice of vows below as they are or come prepared with suggestions.
Civil Marriage Ceremony – Option #1
Civil Marriage Ceremony – Option #2
Civil Marriage Ceremony – Option #3
Civil Marriage Ceremony – Option #4Obtaining a Marriage Licence
Marriage licences can be obtained at Town Hall through Legislative Services before booking your civil ceremony. See above for more information on this procedure.
The Town Clerk will not formalize the marriage of any person if:
- One or both parties fail to meet the age requirements
- The parties are related as grandparent, parent, child, grandchild, brother, or sister
- One or both parties are currently married
- Couples fail to provide proof of payment, a valid marriage license and government-issued photo identification (i.e., driver's license, passport etc.) on the day of the civil ceremony
- Any person who, based on what they know or have reasonable grounds to believe, lacks the mental capacity to marry because of being under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs or for any other reason. Marriage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.3 2006, c. 19, Sched. G, s. 4.
Symbolic Ceremonies
To ensure your marriage is performed properly and legally, an authorized officiant must marry you. This may be a judge, justice of the peace or authorized municipal clerk during a civil ceremony or a recognized religious ceremony.
There are a numerous requirements that must be performed to ensure the marriage is legally binding. This includes but is not limited to the presence of witnesses, a registered officiant, the exchange of vows, a pronouncement and a declaration.
Symbolic ceremonies often incorporate elements of a legal ceremony. If the symbolic ceremony includes these elements, and you have not yet had a legal ceremony, you are no longer eligible for a legal ceremony in Ontario, and it is recommended that you obtain legal advice from a family lawyer. The family lawyer can assist you in getting the marriage ceremony you already had validated through the courts.
Civil Ceremony Day
Ceremonies are held in the Council Chambers, and friends and family are welcome. There is limited seating (maximum 50 guests), and on-site parking is limited.
Pictures and videos may be taken provided there is no disruption to the ceremony. No decorations, confetti, bubbles, rice, candles, or incense are allowed in or on the ground of Town Hall in accordance with Town policies. The Town will provide no music during the ceremony; however, if you require music during the civil ceremony, please discuss this at the consultation meeting.
Couples must provide two witnesses for their ceremony. Witnesses must:
- be 18 years of age or older and provide valid photo identification
- be able to understand and appreciate what is taking place and give evidence of such at a later date, if required
The Town can provide witnesses upon request for a $29.00 per witness fee.
Couples must also provide an interpreter if they do not speak English and require language assistance. The interpreter must not be one of the witnesses to the ceremony and will be required to sign a form confirming that they have interpreted the wedding ceremony.
The Clerk may cancel the ceremony if they feel that any of the parties to the marriage or witnesses cannot understand the nature of the marriage contract.
After the ceremony, the Clerk will forward the marriage license to the Province of Ontario for registration. Couples will be given the Record of Solemnization of Marriage. Please note that this is not a legal record of the marriage. The Marriage Certificate is the legal record of the marriage and must be ordered on the ServiceOntario website.
You can cancel your civil marriage appointment up to two week before the ceremony. A non-refundable administration fee of $150.00 will be charged should the scheduled civil ceremony be cancelled. Marriage license fees are non-refundable.
Contact Us
For more information or if you have questions, please email or call 905-563-2799 ext. 513.
Couples who wish to celebrate and reaffirm their love and commitment to one another can renew their marriage vows. The cost to renew your vows is $58.00 (tax included), including a certificate commemorating your special day. All credit card payments are subject to a 3% third party convenience fee.
For further questions or clarifications or to schedule an appointment, please email or call 905-563-2799 ext. 513, and a member of the Clerks Department will be happy to assist you.