Public Notice - Intention to Designate Heritage Property: Moyer-Moroz House, 4105 Fly Rd., Campden

Public Notice

Public Notice - Intention to Designate Heritage Property: Moyer-Moroz House, 4105 Fly Rd., Campden

Take notice that Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lincoln intends to designate the following property under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 18, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest: 4105 Fly Rd., Campden.

The reason for the proposed designation is to recognize the cultural heritage value and interest of the Moyer-Moroz property. The buildings meet Ontario Regulation 9/06, the provincial criteria prescribed for municipal designation under all three categories of design, associative and contextual value.

The Moyer-Moroz property is located on the north side of Fly Rd. between Tintern Rd. and Campden Rd. in the settlement of Campden, Town of Lincoln, on a property municipally known as 4105 Fly Rd., Campden. The property is comprised of part of Lot 9, Plan M14 in the former Township of Clinton.

The Moyer-Moroz property is an important cultural heritage resource that includes significant built heritage resources and remnants of the farming landscape of Campden including the location of the house, set far back on the lot, the long laneway and orchard to the rear. These features are indicative of an early Mennonite farms. It is also adjacent to the Bucknall barn, an early and important barn in the Pennsylvania Dutch style. The barn is designated and was once part of the farm. 

The property pre-dates the founding of the village and was owned by John Moyer. Moyer inherited the land from his father who emigrated from Pennsylvania in the late 18th century and bought land in the area. Moyer was a member of the Mennonite community in Campden. The Moyers were important members of that community in the mid to late 19th century and held such positions as postmaster, teacher and Count Warden. 

The house is an early building of hand hewn post and beam construction. While the beams and posts are pine, the studs are oak, an unusual and distinctive choice for the area. Brick nogging was found between the studs. This is a rare feature in Ontario. It was popular in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.  Its use as a construction material for this house

is a further indication of the building’s unique stylistic quality and early date. 

Stylistically the house is similar to those found in Pennsylvania and New York State and has seen little change over the years. Distinctive features include the internal chimneys; the original window openings; the pitched side gable roof, the building extension to the east to accommodate a growing family; the two (2) entrance doors on the façade; and the shed attached to the west wall of the house which is of early construction.  Interior features include the hand hewn pine beams, wide pine floors, original doors and wrought iron latches, chair rails, peg rail and trim.

Any person may within thirty (30) days of the publication of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Lincoln his or her objection to the proposed designation, together with a statement of the reasons for the objection and all relevant facts. If a Notice of Objection is received, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Lincoln will refer the matter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing and report.

Further information respecting the proposed designation is available by contacting Monika Cocchiara, Policy and Development Supervisor at 905-563-8205 ext. 270 or