Public Notice: Public Engagement Opportunities for the Shape Lincoln 2051 Official Plan Review

Public Notice

Take notice that the Town of Lincoln has scheduled an Open House and Public Meeting (Special Meeting of Council) to initiate the process to review and update the Town’s Official Plan. Your input will help to inform and shape the updated Official Plan.

The Open House is scheduled to be held as follows:

  • Tuesday, December 5, 2023
  • 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Council Chambers | Town Hall | 4800 South Service Rd | Beamsville, ON

The Public Meeting is scheduled to be held as follows:

  • Monday, January 15, 2024
  • 6 p.m.
  • Council Chambers | Town Hall | 4800 South Service Rd | Beamsville, ON

What is an Official Plan

The Official Plan is an overarching land use planning document for the entire Town. It implements the community’s overall vision for growth and development. The Official Plan addresses such issues as housing, the natural environment, heritage preservation, employment needs, agriculture, commercial services, tourism, parkland/recreation, servicing and transportation.

About the Official Plan Review Project

The Town’s current Official Plan was approved in November 2016 and since then, the Province has made significant updates to the Planning Act, amendments to the Clean Water Act, and released a new Growth Plan, Provincial Policy Statement, Greenbelt Plan, and Niagara Escarpment Plan. In addition, the Niagara Official Plan was recently approved in November 2022 and provides direction for the growth and development of all of Niagara Region with a planning horizon to 2051.

The Town of Lincoln is undertaking a review of our Official Plan to bring it in conformity with the latest provincial policies and recently approved Niagara Official Plan, as required by Sections 26 and 27 of the Planning Act. The Official Plan Review is also being undertaken to ensure that the new Official Plan addresses significant locally identified issues, reflective of community goals and objectives.

Have Your Say

The Town is moving forward with community engagement for the Official Plan Review and we need your input! You are invited share your feedback in several ways:

  1. Review materials online
  • A full copy of the Draft Official Plan, mapping and additional information about the project is available on our website for review:
  • Be sure to check back for updates as the Official Plan Review progresses.
  1. Provide written comments
  • To provide input in writing, please email or send a letter to the Planning and Development Department by 9 a.m. on the Thursday prior to the Public Meeting. Any written correspondence will be shared with Committee members and staff. Please note, written correspondence will also be included on the agenda which will be published on the Town’s website and will form part of the public record.
  1. Attend our Open House on Wednesday Dec. 5 from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
  2. Listen to the staff presentation & attend the Public Meeting on Monday Jan. 15, 2024, at 6 p.m., Special Meeting of Council.
  • You will be able to watch the Public Meeting live on the Town of Lincoln’s YouTube channel. If you wish to appear as a delegation for the Public Meeting (in-person or electronically) in regard to the above noted application, you must submit a delegation request online at or by contacting the Clerk’s department at or 905-563-2799 ext. 513. Delegation requests are accepted until 9 a.m. on the Thursday prior to the meeting.

More Information

For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact:

Melissa Shih

Manager of Special Projects

905-563-2799 ext. 250