Public Service Announcement - Canada Day in Lincoln

Public Service Announcement

Public Service Announcement - Canada Day in Lincoln

Lincoln ON - (June 30, 2020) - The Town of Lincoln’s operations will be closed on Wednesday July 1 for Canada Day. Services will resume on Thursday, July 2. 

We remind residents to celebrate responsibly and to continue following Public Health guidelines and restrictions. Groups more than 10 people are not permitted.


Consumer sales permits in the Town of Lincoln are temporarily suspended until further notice. However, while residents can use fireworks for Canada Day, the Town is strongly discouraging use during this time in an effort to reduce large gatherings and potential for fires or injury due to the mishandling of fireworks. If residents choose to use fireworks in their backyard, please exercise caution, socially distance as appropriate and handle with utmost care.

Celebrate virtually

Please note that Lincoln's usual Charles Daley Park Canada Day Celebration will not be taking place this year due to COVID-19. However a variety of online activities have been organized to engage with our community while staying a part. For all activities and details visit