Public Service Announcement: Conviction Under the Cannabis Interim Control By-law

Public Service Announcement

Conviction Under the Cannabis Interim Control By-law

The individuals charged appeared in court at the Welland Provincial Offences Court on Feb. 13, 2020, and entered a guilty plea on both charges.  The conviction resulted in a fine of $4,000.

Address: 3280 Cosby Rd., Beamsville

Date of Complaint: May 30, 2019

Date of Charge: Oct. 10, 2019

Date of court appearance: Feb. 13, 2020

Result of court appearance: Guilty Plea to two charges

Fine: $4,000

Charged with: Using the land for the cultivation of cannabis

Background: The Town of Lincoln's municipal law enforcement received a complaint on May 30, 2019, of an operating Cannabis Production Facility occurring at 3280 Cosby Rd. in Beamsville. An investigation by the Town's Municipal Law Officer determined the operation in violation of the Cannabis Interim Control By-law.  The by-law prohibits the use of any land, buildings or structures within the Town from any new cultivation or production of cannabis from the passing of the by-law and while it remains in effect.