Public Service Announcement - Lincoln’s Public Spaces are now Open
Town Hall, Fleming Centre, Lincoln Public Library and Lincoln Community Centre welcome back the community
Lincoln, ON - (August 10, 2020) – We are excited to announce that Town Hall, the Fleming Centre, Lincoln Public Library branches, the facility rental program, and the Lincoln Seniors’ Club at the Lincoln Community Centre is now open in a modified capacity to the public. The health and well-being of residents, customers, and staff remain our number one priority. As such, additional safety measures have been put in place which include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Controlled access including passive screening and the use of hand sanitizer upon entry;
- Requirement for the use of face coverings while in public places per Niagara Region bylaw no. 2020-46;
- Directional floor markers for patrons to follow to support physical distancing efforts;
- Enhanced cleaning of the facility, both during operating hours and during closure;
- Physical barriers (plexiglass), signage, and use of personal protective equipment for staff;
- Restricting the maximum number of people in the facility at one time to no more than 50 per indoor gathering guidelines; and,
- Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult in facilities.
Town Hall
Town Hall has resumed operation of regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. In-person services will be available but residents are encouraged to book an appointment with the appropriate department in advance to limit gathering in the building. The only physical spaces open to the public at this time are the front lobby and payment counters located in the Finance Department. Dedicated space for meetings with the public has been identified and departments will book according to needs so that cleaning may be facilitated in between.
Residents are encouraged to continue to access a number of services online or by calling our customer service team at 905-563-8205 who will be happy to assist or direct the call to the appropriate department.
Fleming Centre
Fleming Centre has implemented a phased approach for facility hours, activities and programs, including new protocols, to help create a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors. During this phased re-opening, all facility users will have access by pre-registration only.
To support provincial guidelines and enhanced cleaning activities, the hours of operation have been adjusted. The Fleming Centre operating hours for the month of August will be:
- Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
- Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The walking track is now open for use and evening and weekend use of the dry arena surface for pickleball play is available. For more information, including access to activity schedules and registration information please visit Registration is available online and via phone at 905-563-2799 ex. 319. Residents are encouraged to register in advance of arriving at the Fleming Centre to ensure availability.
Lincoln Library
The Library has expanded its curbside pickup service to include in-person visits to meet the growing number of requests for library materials and to continue to provide service to the community. Curbside pickup hours will continue, while in-person visits are now available during the following operating hours at both the Fleming Branch (Beamsville) and the Moses F. Rittenhouse Branch (Vineland):
- Tuesday-Thursday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Book Your Bubble, a new service, is available for you to book an appointment for up to 10 people in your family/friends circle. Appointments are available Tuesday - Thursday, and Saturday from 9:15 - 9:45 a.m.
The Library will continue to run online programming and activities and offer access to a large variety of digital resources including eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines and learning opportunities. More information can be located by visiting Registration for in-person visits to the library is available by calling the Fleming Branch at 905-563-7014 or the Moses F. Rittenhouse Branch at 905-562-5711.
Facility Rentals & Permits
As Town facilities reopen, staff will review facility rental requests on a case-by-case basis as they are received to determine suitability and ability to adhere to provincial health guidelines. For a listing of available spaces for community use please visit or call 905-563-2799 ext. 319 to discuss your needs with a customer service representative.
Lincoln Community Centre – Lincoln Seniors’ Club
Limited Seniors’ Club Programming will be restarting as of Monday, August 10 per the 2020 schedule, to start. During the month of August the following activities will resume:
- Pickleball (Max. 4 people on the court; masks must be worn in the facility but not during play)
- Euchre (Face masks must be worn during play and stringent hand hygiene is recommended; Max. 12 people in the craft/activity room; No Lunch Provided)
- ** Please call Activity Leader to register to play.
- Billiards (Max. 4 people – 2 per table; Mandatory masks & gloves)
- Common spaces (subject to occupancy restrictions per space/room)
Questions can be directed to the Seniors’ Executive, the individual Activity Leaders or the Town of Lincoln via phone at 905-563-2799 ext. 319.
The Town continues to follow provincial public health orders and is working locally with Niagara Region Public Health to determine best practices for the safe re-opening and operations of facilities. A comprehensive recovery strategy is in place that aligns with the province’s gradual phased-in approach. The Town continues to remain vigilant and is focusing on supporting community recovery efforts from the pandemic. Learn more about the town’s COVID-19 Recovery Program Framework.
For the most current information on the Town’s efforts to support the community in response to COVID-19, visit the COVID-19 page and follow @TownofLincolnON on social media.
For information, please contact:
Sarah Ane
Associate Director, Recreation and Culture
Town of Lincoln
Direct: 905-563-2799 ext. 464
Cell: 905-401-4005