Submit a Sewer Service Permit Application

Owner Information

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Applicant Information

If different from owner

24 hour Emergency Contact information

Please provide contact information for two (2) emergency contacts

Property Information

Work Required as a Result of

Sewer Service Information

The Owner/Applicant must meet the requirements of Supplemental Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Policy PW 2008-03.
Sizing will be as per the Town of Lincoln approved Site/Severance Plan.


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64 MB limit.
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A copy of the constructor’s general liability insurance certificate in an amount not less than $2,000,000, naming the Corporation of the Town of Lincoln as an additional named insured must be provided, prior to issuance of a permit.
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64 MB limit.
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A plan or sketch must accompany this application, showing details and location of proposed works.
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64 MB limit.
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64 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.


A copy of the approved permit must be carried in a vehicle on site at all times

The applicant/owner must obtain all applicable permits and approvals, (i.e Municipal Plumbing Permit, Regional Utility Permit/Encroachment Permit, Niagara Escarpment Commission, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Labour Trench Permit, etc).
Proof of all third-party permission(s) shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Town no later than (2) business days prior to excavation.  

For any highway within and under the jurisdiction of the Town the applicant/owner shall prepare and submit a Traffic Control Plan which shall conform to the Ministry of Transportations’ - Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7 Temporary Conditions (latest revision). Electronic copies of this manual can be found on the Ministry of Transportation website,
  1. The plan must include and clearly identify:
    a) The type of highway being worked on; “Two-Lane, Two-Way”.
    b) The expected duration of the work; Intermittent Duration (ID), Very Short Duration (VSD), Short Duration (SD), Long Duration (LD).
    c)The correct traffic control layout which also references the Normal Posted Regulatory Speed (km/h) for that section of the highway.
    The applicant/owner agrees and accepts full responsibility to maintain, clean and place all required signage, barricades, delineators, flashing lights and other safety warning devices necessary for the protection of public and the safe operation of the work. All costs to be borne by the applicant/owner.

    A minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times using appropriate traffic control methods and devices. The applicant/owner shall ensure that traffic wait times to do not exceed 5 minutes. Two lanes of traffic shall be maintained when possible and shall be maintained after work hours and on weekends.

    Only competent and trained flag persons shall be used.

  2. Approval for road closures will only be granted if all options on completing the approved work, without closing the road have been exhausted. No road shall be closed without written permission from the Corporation of the Town of Lincoln. Should a road closure be requested, a detailed explanation of the reason(s) should accompany the Traffic Control Plan. Road Closures may require additional signage to be included on the plan (i.e  BUSINESSES REMAIN OPEN, etc) in addition to the required signage (i.e Detour (TC 10’s), RB-92’s, TC-7 (inc tabs), TC-53A, TC-5, TC-67, flashers, etc) as per Book 7. 

  3. If a road closure is approved, the applicable signage must be in place seven (7) days prior to the road closure.

  4.  If a road closure is approved, the applicant/owner may be responsible to notify all residents/businesses within the surrounding area a minimum of ten (10) days in advance of the work. The Town will provide the area to be notified.

  5. The applicant/owner will be responsible to ensure that there is no disruption to garbage pick-up for residents/businesses within the approved closure area. The applicant/owner must contact the Niagara Region Waste Management to verify pick-up day, if it falls within the closure dates the applicant/owner must facilitate the required pick-up with Niagara Region. The applicant/owner will be responsible to ensure all garbage within closure has been collected. Niagara Region Waste Management Contact:  905-356-4141 ext 2544 (Toll Free 1-800-263-7215), or

  6. The applicant shall provide proof of permission and/or letter of non-objection from the Niagara Region to use any regional roads for detour routes.

  7. The applicant/owner agrees and accepts full responsibility for the provision and maintenance of traffic control measures during construction for safe operation of the roadways and for the protection of pedestrians, at the applicant’s sole expense.

  8. The applicant/owner agrees to remove all signage, barricades, delineators, flashing lights and other safety warning devices off the Town’s right-of-way immediately after the work is finished.

Notification to Emergency Services-The applicant/owner shall notify the following service providers, together with a copy of the approved Utility Permit, prior to construction and on each day the right-of-way impeded and once the work is complete:
Town of Lincoln Fire Department
  • (905) 684-4311
Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS)               
  • (905) 688-4111
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)                       
  • 1-866-895-6227
Niagara Student Transportation Service (NSTS)         
  • (905) 735-5944
Dan Nel Coach Lines Ltd.                                         
  • (905) 934-1124
 Niagara Regional Waste Management                 
  • (905) 356-4141

In addition to the above contacts an email must be sent to and

During the period of any authorized work(s) the contractor shall keep and maintain insurance coverage as outlined below, provided by (an) insurance company(ies) licensed to transact business in the Province of Ontario, and of satisfactory financial standing to The Corporation of the Town of Lincoln.
  1. Commercial general liability insurance in the minimum amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000) inclusive per occurrence. Coverage shall include but not limited to bodily injury including death, damage to property including loss of use thereof, personal injury, premises and operations liability, tenant legal liability and shall contain a cross liability, severability of insured clause. Such policy shall be endorsed to protect the Corporation of the Town of Lincoln as an additional insured as the owner of the highway against all liability but only respect to the construction of the Applicant.
  2. The insurance certificate must cover any sub-contractors hired by the contractor to complete any of the work approved under this permit.
  3. The applicant/owner must provide an insurance certificate to the satisfaction of the Town that confirms the Town’s requirements as stated above, If requested by the Town the applicant/owner is to provide a certified true copy of the policy certified by an authorized representative of the insurer.
  4. The policy shall be endorsed to provide the Town with not less than thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation. If the policy is cancelled for any reason or if the permit holder fails to confirm that insurance coverage is always in place the permit holder will be required to immediately remove their operations from the Town’s premises.
The applicant/owner agrees to accept and indemnify The Corporation of the Town of Lincoln from any action, claim, injuries, damage, or loss whatsoever, arising from operation carried out under the approved permit.

The applicant shall supply a valid Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Certificate of Clearance certifying that the contractor is in good standing with the Board.

All work must be carried out in strict accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The applicant/owner agrees and accepts full responsibility for excavation and maintaining safe trench conditions.

The applicant/owner performing excavation, drilling, auguring must obtain all utility locates before they dig. The Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that all underground services shall be accurately located and marked prior to excavation (O.Reg 213/91 Sect. 228)

The applicant/owner understands that an approved permit is subject to all Municipal By-Laws.

All work must conform to the Town of Lincoln Design Manual (latest revision), unless otherwise approved in writing, and specified on the approved drawing/permit.  The Town of Lincoln will not be responsible for the supply of any materials or equipment required to complete the job.

The applicant/owner agrees to hire a qualified contractor to perform the approved works.

The applicant/owner agrees to ensure that once the work has commenced, the contractor will be expected to complete continuously, expeditiously and without delay.

Any mud/debris tracking onto the roadway is to be cleaned/maintained by the contractor immediately.

The applicant understands all costs associated with all work under this permit shall be borne by the applicant.  

Travelled portions of the road and shoulders shall be backfilled with Granular ‘A’ material compacted by mechanical means in 300mm layers under existing roadways, driveways, shoulders and sidewalks to one hundred (100%) percent standard proctor density.
Boulevards and Grassed Areas shall be backfilled with select native materials, as approved, compacted to ninety-five (95%) percent standard proctor density.

If a water or sewer connections is backfilled without prior inspection by the Corporation of the Town of Lincoln staff, you will be required to re-excavate and expose it for inspection. No exceptions. It is an offense pursuant to the Ontario Water Resources Act for an individual to make a connection to a municipal water or sewer main unless they are a licensed Town of Lincoln operator or the work is done under direct supervision of a licensed Town of Lincoln operator.

Reinstatement shall be carried out in accordance with Town of Lincoln standards and shall match or exceed existing conditions, however, the more stringent of these two (2) cases shall apply. The applicant/owner shall guarantee the installation and reinstatement for a one (1) year period for the workmanship of the installation including restoration. The one year period shall start on the date of acceptance by the Town. During the maintenance period the applicant/owner shall, within forty-eight (48) hours of notification, make good any defects/deficiencies in the installations/reinstatement. In the event of emergency repairs by Town forces within the maintenance period all costs shall be the responsibility of the applicant/owner.
  1. Asphalt roads and areas shall be reinstated with the minimum 50mm HL8HS and minimum 40 mm HL3HS edges of road cuts to be milled down as per Town standard DPW- 406. All trenches within the travelled portion of the roadway must be hard surfaced after backfilling, if permanent reinstatement is not carried out on day of installation, then temporary reinstatement must be undertaken with the application of cold patch asphalt.
  2. Surface Treated Roads shall be reinstated with minimum 50mm HL3.
  3. Boulevards and Grassed Areas shall be reinstated with a minimum 100mm approved topsoil and nursery sod (non-frozen native material). Applicant/owner is responsible for watering until sod germinates. Trees on the right-of-way are not to be affected.   Ditches shall be restored to ensure positive drainage.
  4. Sidewalks shall be reinstated in accordance with most recent revision of the Niagara Peninsula Standard Contract Documents; Special Provisions, Section B9/B10 Positive drainage shall be maintained during the course of operations.
  5. The applicant/owner shall complete periodic site inspections to ensure a safe condition and any subsequent maintenance work during the one (1) year maintenance period.


Fees and Charges are calculated prior to permit issuance. All fees and charges are subject to change. The most current Schedule of Fees and Charges can be found here.


  1. Inspection and Administration Fee (PWINS)         
    = $160.00  (Regular Hours) non-refundable
    = $419.00 (Overtime Hours) non-refundable
  2. Security Deposit (REDSP)                                         
    =$1500.00 refundable 
    (one year maintenance period)

The applicant/owner understands that no amounts will be refunded if the applicant/owner has any outstanding amounts due to the Town including taxes, utilities or other. The Town has the rights to offset against any amounts due before issuing a refund if applicable.

The applicant/owner agrees and accepts that should any portion of the works deemed unsafe and substandard, at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works, the security deposit may be used without notice, to complete repairs and/or restoration as deemed necessary.

It is the applicant/owners responsibility to contact the Public Works Department to request the one year inspection of their permit for release of funds.


I acknowledge that I have read the complete Sewer and Water Specifications prior to submitting this application. 
I acknowledge that I have read this application form in full, including the additional conditions outlined and that I understand, accept and agree to all conditions and requirements, should a permit be approved and issued. I also agree to indemnify and save harmless the Corporation of the Town of Lincoln and its employees from any and all damages or injuries and claims for damages or injuries related to the works for which this permit has been issued. I acknowledge that all works must be completed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Sign above