Fire Line Permit Application

Please read before submitting this application form:

To obtain this permit the owner must contact the Development Engineering Department to discuss the required process.

Upon notification of the servicing plan approval, and prior to commencing the works, a Fire line Permit  must be obtained from the Public Works Department

After receipt of the permit, it is the owner’s responsibility to contact the Town of Lincoln Public Works Department and schedule an inspection of the work. Requests for the inspection shall be made 48 hours in advance of the work.

Fire line permits approved by the Town are valid for 6 months from the date of issue.

Issuance of permits after the 6 months may require resubmission if any revisions to standards have changed. The owner will be required to pay the applicable servicing review fee.

The owner agrees to ensure that once the work has commenced, the contractor will be expected to work continuously, expeditiously and without delay.

The current costs of this permit are located under the Fees and Charges section.

All inspections and review fees are non-refundable.

ln general, private fire lines may be allowed connection to the municipal system subject to the following criteria:

  1. Properties requesting fire lines must have frontage on the watermain to which they are requesting connection.
  2. Within the urban areas, fire lines will be allowed to new developments and redevelopments, including residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial.
  3. Outside of identified urban areas fire lines will only be permitted to existing commercial, institutional, or industrial operations or similar redevelopments.
  4. The maximum diameter of private fire line permitted is 150mm.
  5. The maximum length of fire line permitted shall be sixty (60) metres. For the purposes of this policy, “length” is measured from the limit of the municipal right of way with an approved Fire Underwriter’s Survey device.
  6. All firelines shall be metered with backflow.  Water used for fire fighting purposes will not be charged.
  7. The requirement for a backflow prevention device shall apply in accordance with By-law 07-06, as amended.
  8. All fire lines must have a shut off valve at the property line. Any fire line over 100mm diameter that crosses a road must be valved at both the connection to the municipal main and at the property line.
  9. All technical details, inspection and testing pertaining to the design, construction and commissioning of the fire line shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief.