Oaths and Declarations (Affidavits)

Commissioner of Oaths 

The Commissioners for Taking Affidavits Act, 1990 empowers municipal clerks and other officials to take various types of declarations and to administer oaths.   

A commissioner for taking affidavits (also known as commissioner of oaths) is not the same as a notary public. A commissioner has authority only to administer oaths and take affidavits.   

Commissioning Process  

Commissioning of documents will only be performed in person at Town Hall; the Town of Lincoln does not offer online services for the commissioning of documents.  

The person(s) signing the affidavit must show current government-issued identification bearing the photograph and signature of the declarant (such as a valid Driver's  License).

Please get in touch with the Clerk's Office by email or call 905-563-2799 ext. 513 to make an appointment and to:  

  • Ensure that there is a Commissioner of Oaths available;  
  • Get assistance in determining if the Commissioner is authorized to sign your document(s)
  • Confirm the applicable fee associated with your document(s)  
    • Resident: $26.00  
    • Non-Resident: $32.00  

Please note, staff reserve the right to refuse commissioning services of any document.  The tabs below highlight some documents the Town of Lincoln can and cannot commission.  Payment can be made with cash , debit or credit card.  All credit card payments are subject to a 3% third party convenience fee.