The Appeal Notice must be received on or before the final due date for appeal with a copy of the order and applicable fee. Please provide a copy of the order and the fee by mail OR deliver in person to:Town of LincolnAttention: Secretary Treasurer Property StandardsCommittee/Committee of Adjustments 4800 South Service RoadBeamsville, ON L3J 1L3Please Note:You must include the non-refundable appeal fee of $420.00. Cheques or money orders are payable to the Town of Lincoln. Do not send cash in the mail. Should the Appeal Notice be received after the deadline to appeal, it will not be processed. Appellant Information Name of Appellant Address Address Address 2 City/Town Province Postal Code Phone Number Email Address Preferred method of Notification Mail EmailAppeal Information Order No. (e.g. 3116) Issue Date Appeal Deadline Set out in the Order Copy of Order One file only.64 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, pdf, doc, docx. Property Address Address Address 2 City/Town Province Postal Code Property Owner/Occupant Agent (if any) *An agent who appears on behalf of an owner/occupant at a hearing must be able to do so in accordance with the Law Society Act and its regulations Select that apply I require more time to do the work I disagree with the order and ask for it to be quashed I require the order to be modified If you require the order to be modified, please specify Briefly explain the reason(s) for your appeal Today's Date Digital Signature I hereby acknowledge by checking this box I declare my digital signature as submitted CAPTCHA Leave this field blank