Statement to Citizens - Lincoln declares State of Emergency

Statement from the Town

Town of Lincoln declares State of Emergency

Mayor Sandra Easton, in consultation with Council and with input from CAO, Mike Kirkopoulos and the Emergency Operations team, has enacted the declaration of emergency to protect Lincoln citizens. This comes as municipalities across Niagara, joined to declare a broader emergency.

“Our staff is already fully engaged in the Town and Region’s COVID-19 response,” said Mayor Sandra Easton. “This declaration gives us more flexibility to call on additional resources if needed and ensure we have access to the tools that may be required to help keep our community safe. As we rise to face the challenges this pandemic has created, our community needs the ability to act with the utmost speed as circumstances change and warrant different responses.”

“Unfortunately, we have seen a growing number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our community and region. With the warmer weather approaching and upcoming faith-based holidays, we need citizens to continue with protective measures such as physical distancing and self-isolation, as well as avoiding gatherings. This is an extremely serious situation, and everyone needs to do their part for their own health, the health of their families, and the protection of the greater community. Please stay home, unless you really need to go out,” added Easton.

The Town has already implemented a wide range of service level adjustments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lincoln’s Emergency Operation Centre (EOC), in consultation with its regional partners, including Niagara Region public health, is continually assessing the situation to determine any necessary changes to operations, programs or service levels.

“At this time, the Town is continuing with core business where possible and responding in real-time to put measures in place to reduce the spread of Coronavirus,” said CAO Michael Kirkopoulos. “We need to be able to respond to what our community needs. We have a responsibility to plan for all scenarios. We will continue to deliver critical services as we work through this pandemic.”

The Province declared an emergency on March 17, 2020, to enforce the closure of facilities and businesses where the risk of spread was more likely.

Under the emergency declaration, the Town’s EOC Management Group can take measures that will allow for the continuity of critical services, in the event we reach this stage.

The Town’s website remains a good one-stop source of information for residents in regard to:

  • Lincoln’s response to Coronavirus
  • Enforcement of mandatory closures & restrictions
  • Service disruptions
  • Health advice
  • Travel advice & returning travellers
  • Online & phone services
  • Grocery & pharmacies
  • Social support services
  • Utilities information & support

Stay well,

Mayor Sandra Easton

CAO Michael Kirkopoulos