Extension of the Provincial Declaration of Emergency
Today, Premier Ford officially announced extending the Declaration of Emergency until May 12, 2020. The extension is an effort to continue to use every tool necessary to protect Ontario citizens.
The order continues to enforce the mandatory closures & restrictions that have been in place to date & are available on our website. Town Municipal Law staff & NRPS are working together to ensure citizens & businesses are abiding by these restrictions. Non compliance can result in fines.
The Province also passed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support and Protection Act to amend the Education Act, Planning Act, Development Charges Act, Police Services Act and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act. Town staff are assessing this new information and the application of these amendments to our day-to-day business. We will share with the appropriate stakeholders when more information is available.
We're in this Together
The Town of Lincoln has just moved over the 4-week mark from when we first communicated about Coronavirus. We continue to be in a State of Emergency in Lincoln.
We thank citizens for their commitment to staying informed, seeking credible information and abiding by the public health measures in place.
Now is the time for us to remain diligent, have the appropriate level of concern, and continue to practice the measures in place to stop the spread of Coronavirus. We can't become complacent or we risk the lives of our loved ones, our neighbours, our front line health care workers & first responders.
We must stay home!
Do Your Part #LincolnON
Stay informed & seek credible information
Follow Public Health measures
Abide by the mandatory closures & restrictions
Niagara Region Public Health:
Your source of credible information about:
- Activity & confirmed cases in Niagara
- How to protect yourself
- Self assessment & testing
- Frequently asked questions
Niagara Region Public Health Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Info-Line:
Talk to a nurse Monday to Friday from 9:15 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 9:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
- Take the self-assessment
- 905-688-8248 press 7, then press 2
- Toll-free: 1-888-505-6074
- Chat online
- Physicians and primary care providers
Town of Lincoln:
Coronavirus website provides information about:
- Emergency declaration in Lincoln
- Lincoln's response to Coronavirus
- Facility closures & restrictions
- Enforcement of mandatory closures & restrictions
- Health advice
- Grocery & Pharmacy services in Lincoln
- Travel advice & returning travellers
- Online & phone services available from the Town
- Social support services
- Utilities Information & Support
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