Media Release – Lincoln Prepares for Stage 3 Re-opening
Lincoln ON – (July 22, 2020) – As the Niagara Region enters into Stage 3 of the Province’s reopening framework, Lincoln will continue to re-open other facilities and amenities as it is safe to do so.
Re-opening Playgrounds
On Monday, July 27, 2020, children across Lincoln will have additional opportunities for outdoor play as the Town reopens all playgrounds. All playgrounds in municipal parks will reopen with new signage to indicate health and safety guidelines for play. The Town asks that users respect and adhere to the following requirements and guidelines that remain in place to stop the spread of COVID-19:
- Physical distance by remaining 2 metres (6 feet) apart from others outside of your social circle at all times;
- If the playground is busy, please delay your visit or consider using another available park or amenity until children can use the playground equipment safely while physically distancing;
- If there are users waiting to access a playground, please rotate so that all children may benefit from access to the space;
- Use proper hand hygiene, do not touch your face while on playground structures and do not share sports equipment or toys;
- Children and adults should wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and/or sanitize hands BEFORE and AFTER using the playground. Be especially vigilant after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; and
- Please stay home if you are ill.
Find a playground in your neighbourhood by viewing a full listing of park locations online.
Re-opening Facilities
Lincoln is also planning to re-open other facilities, including Town Hall, the Fleming Centre and Lincoln Public Libraries as of August 10, 2020. Safety measures, new protocols following public health guidelines and inspections are currently under way. More information to be released.
Accessing Services
At this time, residents can access a number of services online or by calling our Customer Service Desk at 905-563-2799 ext. 319. One of our Customer Service Representatives will be happy to assist you or direct you to the appropriate department.
Legislative Services continues to process licenses, civil ceremonies, oaths and declarations by appointment only.
Council and Standing Committee meetings are held using electronic video conferencing. Residents are encouraged to submit electronic delegations online to address Council or committee on agenda items.
Residents can find the status of all facilities and services online.
Mayor Easton:
“We are both hopeful and excited as we move towards this next phase in our recovery efforts. Together with Council, I remain committed to ensuring we return services and reopen facilities for our residents in a safe and responsible manner. I am happy to see our playgrounds open so that families can enjoy getting out even more and enjoy our greenspaces.”
Mike Kirkopoulos:
“We are excited to announce that a number of public facilities will open in the coming weeks. There are a large number of safety measures to finalize before all our recreation amenities and facilities can reopen. We are moving as fast as we can, while following Public Health advice. More information will be available as we move forward with our reopening efforts. The health and safety of our residents and our staff remains our top priority.”
For up to date information on COVID-19 related information please visit
Mike Kirkopoulos
CAO, Town of Lincoln